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Latest News

Dear Members of MRTA:

The Senate has adjourned for the week ending Thursday, April 19, 2012.   NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON SS/SCS/SB/806 - Teacher Tenure OR SCS/SB/842 - PSRS/PEERS Board of Trustee Takeover.

Thank you for your hard work in contacting your Senators.  So far, so good.  Please stay tuned. 

To review last week's report "No Action Taken" - click here or go to the MRTA Website - WWW.MRTA.ORG

THANK YOU for being counted as a member of MRTA. Your membership will make a difference in the lives of many.

MRTA is the Association of Retired Education Professionals and Missouri's Public Pension Experts! 


Jim Kreider
MRTA Executive Director

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