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Latest News on WEP GPO

Latest News on WEP GPO

February 25, 2025

Latest update from the Social Security Administration indicates retirees can expect retroactive payments by the end of March 2025!

From the Social Security Administation:

Starting the week of February 24, 2025, SSA is beginning to pay retroactive benefits and will increase monthly benefit payments to people whose benefits have been affected by the WEP and GPO

If a beneficiary is due retroactive benefits as a result of the Act, they will receive a one-time retroactive payment, deposited into the bank account SSA has on file, by the end of March. This retroactive payment will cover the increase in their benefit amount back to January 2024, the month when WEP and GPO no longer apply.

Social Security benefits are paid one month behind. Most affected beneficiaries will begin receiving their new monthly benefit amount in April 2025 (for their March 2025 benefit).

Anyone whose monthly benefit is adjusted, or who will get a retroactive payment, will receive a mailed notice from Social Security explaining the benefit change or retroactive payment.

Click here for more.




January 6, 2025

From Social Security Administration:

The Social Security Fairness Act, HR 82, concerning the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, was signed into law on January 5, 2025. Upon implementation, the Social Security Fairness Act eliminates the reduction of Social Security benefits while entitled to public pensions from work not covered by Social Security. The Social Security Administration is evaluating how to implement the Act. We will provide more information as soon as available.


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At this time, you do not need to take any action except to verify that we have your current mailing address and direct deposit information if it has recently changed. Most people can do this online with their personal my Social Security account without calling or visiting Social Security. Visit to sign in or create your account. We will provide ongoing updates regarding implementation on this page.


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If you are receiving a public pension and are interested in filing for benefits, you may file online at or schedule an appointment.


From MRTA:

What do members need to do?

If you haven't set up a account yet, we highly recommend creating one. You can do this by visiting


Please renew and join MRTA today so you can keep updated on all issues that impact retirees.  Please also answer our survey on WEP / GPO. We will continue to keep you informed with any updates regarding the implementation as they become available.


The repeal will bring the following changes:

  • A projected average monthly increase of $360 for beneficiaries affected by these provisions. (The exact amount for each individual will vary based on their specific circumstances.)
  • A one-time lump sum payment for 2024 to compensate for previously lost benefits from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.

  • Spouses, widows, and widowers will no longer experience reductions in survivor benefits due to the Government Pension Offset (GPO).

President Biden Signs HR 82 Repealing WEP/GPO Provisions of Social Security

Date: January 5, 2025


Missouri Retired Teachers and Public School Personnel Association (MRTA) Applauds Presidential Signing of H.R. 82, Repealing Unfair Penalties on Educators' Retirement Benefits


JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Today marks a historic moment for Missouri’s retired educators and public school employees. At 3:00 p.m., President Joe Biden signed H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act of 2023, into law at the White House. This landmark legislation repeals the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), ending decades of unfair reductions to Social Security benefits for countless retirees. This monumental step comes after years of advocacy by the Missouri Retired Teachers and Public School Personnel Association (MRTA) and its members.  Click here to keep reading... 


See our Frequently Asked Questions Here

News from the Social Security Administration

Check out the latest from the Social Security Administration on WEP/GPO - January 6th update.

 Stay in the loop on next steps by joining MRTA's mailing list and help strengthen our impact! 



WEP/GPO Condensed History

Missouri Retired Teachers Association and Public School Personnel (MRTA) has been working on the repeal of the WIndfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset provisions of Social Security 1983.  The provisions unfairly impacted retired teachers and their families for 40 years.  Executive Director Maria Walden has traveled to Washington DC every year since 2006 to lobby for the repeal of WEP/GPO.  Last fall, Missouri Congressman and House Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith set up an opportunity for Maria, Assistant Director Sarah Hoeller, and Legislative Specialist Ryan Mankin to meet with Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee staff members Ben Ridder and Shaun Frieman.  


Your Personal Stories Made the Difference!

We had a lengthy discussion on how MRTA could support passage, and after Maria shared stories of some of our members who have been personally impacted, they indicated it would be helpful to receive personal accounts of how WEP/GPO affects real Americans.MRTA  worked to collect almost 6,000 letters from our members and worked with Representative Terry Thompson to personally deliver our letters to Congressman Smith’s office. 

The Votes

MRTA coordinated 12 Call-to-Action emails gathering co-sponsors during this time and by September, we garnered enough co-sponsors that the legislation was able to force a House vote via a discharge petition.


On November 12, 2024 with a vote of 327 to 75 the House of Representatives passed H.R. 82.  Click here to see House vote count.

In the early hours of December 21, 2024 in a historical vote to repeal WEP/GPO. House Resolution 82 (H.R. 82), the Social Security Fairness Act of 2023, passed the Senate by a vote of 76-20!  Click here to see Senate vote count.


On Sunday, January 5, 2025 President Biden signed HR 82 into law!  This is a tremendous achievement in MRTA’s ongoing advocacy for fairness and equity for our teachers and education employees.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our incredible members for sharing your powerful personal stories. In 2023, MRTA changed its tactic and started telling your personal stories of how WEP/GPO  negatively impacted your lives. Your voices made a tremendous impact and played a vital role in getting this bill passed. Thank you for answering the call to action with such dedication.


A special thank you to our board of directors, region vice presidents, committee chairs and leaders for their unwavering support and exceptional leadership, ensuring our members understood the importance of this issue.


Finally, we deeply appreciate our amazing staff, who have been tirelessly lobbying Congress for change since this legislation was enacted. This victory belongs to all of us!




How WEP GPO Impacted Missouri Teachers

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