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The Life Insurance for People Who Are the Life of the Party Image

The Life Insurance for People Who Are the Life of the Party

December 29, 2020

The holidays are a time to be festive and kick back and relax. Maybe you want to enjoy an extra glass of wine, share a cigar with a friend, or have an extra piece of pie at dessert. Who doesn’t want to have a little more fun during this time of year?

But for some of us, it’s not only during this time of year that we like to enjoy our food and fun. If you’ve found your lifestyle is making it hard to find life insurance coverage, we’ve got some tasty news for you.

MRTA and AMBA have a final whole life insurance policy that guarantees acceptance for anyone and everyone between 45 and 85 years old. This policy won’t deny or cancel you for any reason. You’re a smoker? You’re covered. Weight issues? You’re covered. Preexisting conditions? Yup – you’re covered. Your application is pre-approved – period

Sounds good? There’s even more good news:

  • You can never be canceled for any reason as long as premiums are paid.
  • Reasonable premiums never increase. Your rates are locked-in!
  • No obligation 60-day return policy.
  • You can now buy your policy online!

Plus, this policy has other great benefits. If you already have life insurance but the policy hasn’t kept pace with inflation, this Whole Life Policy can provide a key supplement. You can also leave a gift for children or grandchildren, or a favorite charity or cause. Now that’s a policy worthy of making a toast!

Learn more about a Whole Life Policy through MRTA and AMBA

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