Legislative Update - ESSER III Funds

There has been some movement on HB 3014, the Governor's supplemental budget bill. The legislation was voted out of the House last week by a vote of 114-11 and is now on its way to the Senate for consideration and approval.   This legislation would appropriate the $1.9 billion in federal ESSER III funding to school districts. These funds need to be appropriated as soon as...
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Please Write Your Legislators Today! Feb 8 2022 is Capitol Blitz Day!

Please participate in MRTA Capitol Blitz Day 2022!      Click here for details:  https://conta.cc/3oydKUQ
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Better Call Saul’s Bob Odenkirk Looks Back at the Lessons Learned from His Heart Attack

The hit television show “Better Call Saul” is the riveting character study of man as his experiences transform him for the worse. The star, Bob Odenkirk, has enjoyed a career of many highs including the critical sensation Mr. Show to the action blockbuster Nobody. But his own transformation in perspective – for the better - occurred only recently, when a major heart attack in...
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Is Using Your Phone A Pain the Neck?

Bad Posture While Using Your Device Can Injure Your Neck Do you have tension in your neck, shoulders, or even in your upper back? If so, you might be suffering from “Tech Neck”. Though it’s not an official medical diagnosis, “Tech Neck” is a term for a condition that can be caused by the way many people hold their head while using cell phones and mobile...
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