Air Ambulances Are More Expensive Than Ever

Did you know people over 55 are using air ambulances for emergencies more than ever? And not only that - emergency medical transport by air is becoming increasingly expensive! Here are two facts you should consider: From 2017 to 2020, the average estimated air ambulance costs rose a whopping 76.4%. Medicare and most insurances don’t cover the costs of medical transport. A...
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Home Is the Nicest Place There Is

By 2030, every Baby Boomer will finally celebrate their 65 th birthday. More people than ever are deciding where they will be spending their hard-earned retirement years. Unsurprisingly, most say that they want to continue living independently and at home. After all, as Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote: "Home is the nicest place there is." The beloved children's author captured the simple fact that...
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No Joke! There Are Amazing Health Benefits to Laughter.

Have you ever been dwelling on something that was bothering you and you heard a loved one laughing? Suddenly, your mood is boosted, and your worries are lifted. Laughter is healthy and a powerful elixir for everyone, and older adults especially can benefit from the positive impact on your emotional and physical well-being for older adults. Laughter Really is the Best Medicine Injecting...
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November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is officially Lung Cancer Awareness Month.  The event started back in 1995 as Lung Cancer Awareness Day. As the lung cancer community and the lung cancer movement grew, awareness activities increased. Therefore, it became apparent there was a need for a larger awareness campaign beyond just a day. On December 1, 2020, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution...
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