Is Using Your Phone A Pain the Neck?

Bad Posture While Using Your Device Can Injure Your Neck Do you have tension in your neck, shoulders, or even in your upper back? If so, you might be suffering from “Tech Neck”. Though it’s not an official medical diagnosis, “Tech Neck” is a term for a condition that can be caused by the way many people hold their head while using cell phones and mobile...
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28 Ways to Make February Fun and Festive

With only 28 days, February may be the shortest month, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to make February your most enjoyable month. There’s a lot going on in February and lots you can do to make the most of the month ahead. February: 28 Days and 28 Ways Enjoy the winter wonderland:  bundle up and head outside to the nearest nature trail to take in...
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Unlock the Perfect Valentine's Gift with AMBA Passport

Here’s something maybe you didn’t know about Valentine’s Day: it’s believed that Geoffrey Chaucer invented Valentine's Day as we know it today. The poet linked love with St. Valentine for the first time in his 14th-century works "The Parlement of Foules" and "The Complaint of Mars." At the time of Chaucer's writing, February 14 also happened to be considered the first...
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The Number of People Suffering from Progressive Myopia Is Rising. Are You at Risk?

Progressive myopia is nearsightedness that gets worse year after year. If left untreated, progressive myopia can result in “high myopia”, a type of nearsightedness that increases the risk of many serious eye conditions. What is Progressive Myopia? For many people, myopia’s onset usually occurs during childhood and adolescence. Myopia can continue to progress into...
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