Staying Safe as You Make Your Garden Grow

Yes, even yard work can lead to injuries. Here's how to stay safe. Gardening is more than enjoyable. It’s a meditative and productive – some would even say therapeutic - activity. But, like anything, working smart and staying safe remains a priority. Here’s how to keep yourself free from injury and infection while exercising your green thumb.  Cuts and Scrapes in...
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Better Sound Quality at a Better Price: Picking the Right Earbuds with AMBA Passport.

Whether you’re listening to your favorite music while getting in your daily recommended steps, catching up on your favorite podcast while taking a hike, or enjoying hands-free access to talk on the phone with loved ones, wireless earbuds are a great solution. Their bluetooth connectivity can pair with your phone, smartwatch, smart TV, tablet, and laptop with excellent sound quality....
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5 Issues for Aging Eyes & What You Can Do About Them

Our eyes undergo significant changes as we get older. Aging eyes can spur weakness for vision. Recognizing and diagnosing symptoms early can keep our eyes healthy. While some issues can only be detected with an eye exam, there are many conditions that present symptoms that you can recognize and, with your eye doctor, work to treat. Issues for the Aging Eyes and What They Can Mean...
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3 Options for Replacing Adult Teeth

It's easy to remember the excitement of losing teeth when we were children. From that first wiggly tooth, waiting for it to fall out, and the thrill of waking up to a note or gift from the tooth fairy. But while losing teeth is a childhood rite of passage, losing teeth in adulthood can be upsetting and expensive. Losing adult teeth is often irreversible and can only be treated by getting your...
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