The Life Insurance for People Who Are the Life of the Party

The holidays are a time to be festive and kick back and relax. Maybe you want to enjoy an extra glass of wine, share a cigar with a friend, or have an extra piece of pie at dessert. Who doesn’t want to have a little more fun during this time of year? But for some of us, it’s not only during this time of year that we like to enjoy our food and fun. If you’ve found your...
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Dashing Through the Snow for Holiday Travel? Be Sure Your Ambulance Bill Is Covered.

Santa may be checking the list of who’s naughty, but if you’re taking a road-trip to be with loved ones during the holidays, your checklist should be a little different. Packed the suitcases? Check. Phone chargers? Check. Coverage for medical emergency transportation? Wait…huh? We all know that the holidays are a time of heavier traffic and potentially challenging weather...
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Can Gum Disease Indicate Potential Alzheimer’s Disease Risk?

Forgetting to get routine dental checkups? According to a recent study, that can lead to one of the most dreaded diseases that progressively destroys memory and other important mental functions. The study concluded that severe gingivitis with tooth loss may be linked and be associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. The study’s test...
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How to Make Next Year Your Best Year: Tips for Keeping Your 2021 Resolutions

December is the time of holidays, reflecting on the past year, and looking forward to the new one. A new year can feel like a fresh start, a great opportunity to end bad habits and create positive goals. Some of the most common resolutions are to lose weight, make better financial choices, quit smoking, and spend more time with family. Of course, resolutions are easier to make than to...
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