Charcoal Toothpaste: Crazy Fad or Real Benefits?

Charcoal toothpaste may be something you’ve only recently noticed on grocery store shelves. Though it’s relatively new to American consumers, charcoal toothpaste has been around since Roman times. While there is still plenty of research ahead for its benefits, many people find that charcoal toothpaste is worth a try.   What Is Activated Charcoal?  ...
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To Treat the Pain, Treat the Person: How Holistic Health Can Benefit You

When most people hear "holistic health," they might think it means a scientifically unproven alternative medicine or an Eastern-inspired health trend. The main things to know about holistic health are: It’s a more comprehensive and personalized approach to health that integrates Eastern and Western medicines. It takes a proactive approach to health, focusing on wellness and...
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Are Toothbrushes with Soft or Hard Bristles Better?

When toothbrushes were invented hundreds of years ago, people had to debate which bristle material would clean their teeth more effectively, animal hair or twigs. Fortunately, our choices have improved since then. We have many toothbrush options, including toothbrushes with soft bristles and hard bristles. Many experts prefer soft bristles over hard-bristled toothbrushes. Here’s why:...
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Brace Yourself! 3D Printing is Revolutionizing Dentistry

Technological innovations are constantly bringing big changes to healthcare, and dentistry is no exception. For instance, 3D printing will make taking care of our teeth easier, less painful, and more affordable. 3D Printing & Dentistry While there are almost limitless possibilities for the application of 3D printing in dentistry, some of the most common needs for patients include...
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